Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dating Etiquette 101

Ok people…I see this so much in the restaurant business and time and time again I cannot understand it. So let’s get back to the basics here. When YOU ask a man, woman, or significant other out on a date it is usually because you want to spend “QUALITY TIME” with that person. Maybe get to know them better if it’s someone new. Am I correct in assuming this??? I think I am unless I am just living in a completely different universe.
Two nights ago I observed a couple sitting in a booth, reading over the dinner menu. Our server Beth approaches to introduce herself, points out some highlights on the menu and takes their drink order. Seems normal right? Beth then goes to drop off their drinks and asks if they have any questions. They are not ready to order yet so she gives them a few more minutes. Then the fun starts…Cell phone rings and the surrounding tables are now subjected to hearing the obnoxious ring tone of “I‘m Too Sexy” by the Right Said Fred. Really??? Must I, as well as my other customers be subjected to this crap? Don’t you have a vibrate button? So Mr. Dumbass answers his phone and starts to carry on a lengthy conversation while server Beth hesitantly approaches the table to take their order. So his girlfriend decides to order her meal. Now any intelligent person would get the clue at this point to get off the phone but noooooooooooo, not Mr. Dumbass. And why is this you ask, well it’s because he is important, the center of the world, and is trying to impress his girl. He then holds up his hand to Beth as in saying one moment please. Two minutes later his girlfriend looks at him with her eyes wide open and giving him the “please get off the fucking phone” look. He points to an item on the menu and she orders for her man. Now forgive me for this next question because I realize my dating world is a little different from the heterosexual dating world, but wouldn’t it have been nice if he maybe ordered for her? So I start to think about what my perspective would be if I was in her shoes and my conclusion was…Hmmmmmmmmmm, I know who is not getting laid later. Dude you have fun with that vibrating phone and Rosey Palm and her five friends tonight. I’m going to meet up with my girlfriends later.
Now for me when I am dating , if the person I am with does that, unless I know ahead of time that maybe it is a work related issue or it involves their children if they have any, you will be DISQUALIFIED. I am here with you because you asked me and I like you enough to give you my time that you asked for. If I asked you, well I’m not going to apologize for being perturbed about that because I am expecting you to give me your time that I asked for from you. Oh and this etiquette should apply too and not exclude those long standing couples either.
My point is, well if you are that self absorbed socially, and more concerned about what is going on with your friends and their social lives, then go hang out with them at a bar and order some pizzas. Don’t take your girl/guy out to a nice place for dinner and disrespect them like that. You are being rude to them as well as to the staff and other patrons who are visiting that establishment. Show some class people.


  1. That is so true,however it doesn't just apply to dating.How about driving?It just pisses me off when i see some asshole driving down the road talking on their cell phone or even worse,texting.Here they have at least a 1 ton weapon in their hands and they're not paying attention to driving,they are too important for that.Hello,people,wake up,touch your toes and get your heads out of your asses!We use to manage quite well without cell phones,at least lets show some brains when we use them.Old Auntie

  2. Absolutely fucking rude, and totally a relationship breaker for me. If whoever is on the other end of the phone is more important than me, then fuck off and be with them ;) ........ And if they do it anywhere else, while trying to conduct business, ie check out counter, bank counter etc, they better have their ear higher than my arm reach, because that phone is history ;))

  3. hahaha! Wow! We've all seen this happen, and some of us have actually had it happen to them! Next time, she should vest in a girl's night out, with a bottle of wine and a classy restaurant...

  4. Never take the the cell phone on a date!
