Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Flat Stanley & Georgia O'Keefe

My best friend calls me last week and asked "can you do me a huge favor?" Well now of course I can cause that's what we do for each other. Her 1st grader and his class are doing a project called Flat Stanley. Ever hear of it?? Me either, but if you would like to know more about it check this out www.flatstanleyproject.com. Apparently this bulletin board fell on a kid and made him into a human pancake and he wanted to go on vacation so his family put him in an envelope and mailed him off. A lot cheaper than airfare eh? So now he's this famous world traveler. So the kids send him off to learn about new, wild and exotic places. So where does he land, that's right, you got it, the wildest place in Arizona, my home. So he gets here and he's flat, really flat, I mean paper thin. My first instinct as an Italian is to feed this kid a big bowl of pasta. However I don't because he was also naked, very naked. Part of the project requires him to be dressed in clothes representing where he is visiting. So I dress him up, I make him a pair of shorts, a T-shirt with info about Arizona, and a cowboy hat. I'm all proud of myself and upon admiring my work I am noticing there is something rather erotic and sexual about Flat Stanley. I didn't notice this before I dressed him. It just popped up all the sudden. Uh huh, this is when the lightbulb goes on in my head and I revert back to art history class in college. Georgia O'Keefe!!!! Now I am noooooo Georgia O'Keefe, but her art was also very sexual and she lived in the southwest. Follow me?? If you don't, stare at her painting at the top of the page, you'll figure it out. So while I think I'm putting the state plant and the state nickname on his T-shirt for educational purposes, my mind sees one hell of a big cactus sticking out of this cowboys pants and he is proudly smiling at me like he can really fill that Grand Canyon. You know what, I don't have kids and my mind is not conditioned for a "G" rating so I'm sending him off and hoping for the best. Good luck on your journey Flat Stanley.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! So Matthew tells me Stanley has a beer can on his shirt???????? I say Nooooo can't be but instead a boner cactus????
